Our Research Journey…

How are we using our research to empower tranformational change…

research project plan

1. developing the GTA-V

Development of recruitment and screening pack to be co-produced with veterans with lived experience of harmful gambling; consensus-building; transcription and analysis of service-user led focus groups on how to yield greatest sensitivity and accuracy with gambling timeline assessment.

2. Piloting the GTA-V

Finalisation and initial piloting of recruitment and screening pack, including v1.0 of Gambling Timeline Assessment Scale for Veterans (GTA-V). Expanded rollout of GTA-V; ongoing data analysis and adaptation of
measures in response to user feedback concerning acceptability.

3. GTA-V evolution

Ongoing discussion of treatment recovery goals and evaluation of GTA-V at helping achieve recovery goals; opportunities for longitudinal assessment with self-selected sample of veterans; iterative assessment of validity of GTA-V across timeframes.

4. dissemination of findings and methods

Manualised training workshops for
veterans’ support charities and stakeholders; public report launch at knowledge-sharing
event; submission of manuscripts for publication and presentations at national and
international conferences in psychology, addiction, health services, and military domains; development of further bids for funding.

Our Journey to Outcomes

1. Validated and easy to administer tool (GTA-V)

2. Guidelines for incorporating GTA-V into wider practice across diverse fields

3. Cluster-led dissemination, training and support

4. Paper and online manualized training

5. Peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations, and workshops

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